Monday, May 25, 2020

Understand Child and Young Person Essay - 1816 Words

Unit 10 Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth - 19 years. 1.1 Physical Development, Communication and Intellectual development. Social, emotional and behavioural development. All babies, children and young people follow the same pattern when it comes to development but each person is unique. Every day they will grow, develop and learn at there own pace but following a similar basic pattern in their sequence of development. A child’s development can be measured through social, emotional, intellectual, physical and language developmental milestones. This is the Holistic Process when dealing with every aspect of the child and their environment. 1.2 The best way in which to describe†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Controls feet, legs and arms. †¢ Responds to own name. †¢ Is mobile and may be able to crawl, bum shuffle or even walk (dependent on child) †¢ Hold and Throws objects †¢ Will respond to simple instructions and may follow them. †¢ Is unintentionally aggressive to other children due to their egocentric behaviour. For example, all toys belong to them. †¢ May say first real word †¢ Develops gross motor skills; walking, running, climbing. 1-2 Years †¢ Will enjoy lights, sounds ,music and colours. Will sing and copy actions to rhymes. †¢ Is very mobile and will walk unaided. Develops their gross motor skills and enjoys to walk, run and climb. Can climb the stairs unaided and come down them with help. †¢ Will try to feed themselves and hold their own cup. †¢ Repeats words and may try to put them together to form a sentence. By 2 years will have a vocabulary of approximately 200 words. †¢ Has emotional outbursts and will want to get their own way. Will not like been told no. †¢ Has longer concentration when playing. Will put together puzzles and start to play with others happily although will still want all toys to be theirs. †¢ Becomes more independent and will want to dress themselves and undress themselves. (this is more towards the 18+ month stage) †¢ May be able to use the potty but have difficulty staying dry. †¢ Will have a full set of teeth 2-3 Years †¢Show MoreRelatedUnderstand Child Young Person Development7660 Words   |  31 PagesOverview Introduction This assignment is intended to provide evidence of a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of children and young people’s development birth to 19 years. By completing all tasks within the assignment, the candidate will provide evidence that meets the Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria for Unit 022, Understand Child and Young Person Development. Tasks There are five tasks to this assignment. A Complete tables; Questions B Complete table; Report C Report D ReportRead MoreUnderstand Child and Young Person Development1799 Words   |  8 PagesUnderstand Child and Young Person Development Sequence and Rate of Each Aspect of Development and the Importance of Them When looking at and discussing a child’s development, you have to remember that all children are different and grow at different rates. Every child will follow the same sequence but they may not necessarily do it at the same time as each other. For example, you could have two, 6 month old babies, 1 could already be able to crawl, and the other 1 may not have mastered it yetRead MoreUnderstand Child and Young Person Development7997 Words   |  32 PagesCYP CORE 3.1 UNDERSTAND CHILD AND YOUNG PERSON DEVELOPMENT 1.1 EXPLAIN THE SEQUENCE AND RATE OF EACH ASPECT OF DEVELOPMENT FROM BIRTH -19 YEARS. Physical Intellectual Language Emotional Social Spiritual Physical Development AGE | | 0-3 MONTHS | * Sleeps much of the time * Tries to lift head * Starts to kick legs and movements gradually become smoother * Starts to wave arms about * Begins to hold objects when placed in hand * Grasp reflex diminishes as hand andRead MoreUnderstand Child and Young Person Development1415 Words   |  6 PagesPromote child and young person’s development Unit 4222-344 1) Explain the importance of a person centred and inclusive approach and give examples of how important this is implemented in your work ( L.O2.3) A person centred approach should involve supporting a young person and focus on their needs and interests rather than what the worker perceives as important. All activities should be available to everyone, and particular activities are targeted at specific children, you must alsoRead MoreUnderstand Child and Young Person Development Essays3711 Words   |  15 PagesAssignment 023 Understand Child and Young Person Development Task A A1 Table 1: Physical Development Age Range | Explain the sequence and rate of development | 0-3 months | Babies at birth have learntRead More023 Understand Child and Young Person development6353 Words   |  26 PagesAssignment 023 Understand Child and Young Person Development Table 1: Physical development Age range Explain the sequence and rate of development 0-3 months When born, babies show innate reflexes, such as swallowing and sucking, rooting reflex, grasp reflex, startle reflex, walking and standing reflex; in the first month babies become less curled up and the startle reflex is starting to fade; toward the end of the third month babies start lifting and turning their heads. 3-6 months Read MoreUnit 506 Understand Child And Young Person Development1727 Words   |  7 PagesUnit 506 Understand Child and Young Person Development When looking at and discussing a child’s development, you have to remember that all children are different and grow at different rates. Every child will follow the same sequence but they may not necessarily do it at the same time as each other. For example, you could have two, 6 month old babies, 1 could already be able to crawl, and the other 1 may not have mastered it yet and may not until they are a bit older. You must remember that your childRead MoreUnderstand Child Development and Young Person Development - 1.12161 Words   |  9 PagesCACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (QCF) Unit Ref: L/601/1693 CYP Core 3.1: Understand Child Development and Young Person Development Rosanna King Learning Outcome 1: Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth – 19 years. Assessment Criteria 1.1: Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years. Answer to 1.1: Below I have explained the sequence and rate of each developmentRead MoreEssay on Assignment 023 Understand Child and Young Person Development1701 Words   |  7 PagesAssignment 023 Understand Child and Young Person Development Task B Complete table, research and report B2 Produce a report to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of differing theories of development. This report should identify how these theories have influenced current practice and include the following: Cognitive Psychoanalytical Humanist Social learning Operant conditioning Behaviourist Social pedagogy (Ref 2.3) DIFFERING THEORIES OF DEVELOPMENT There areRead MoreUnit Cyp 3.1 Understand Child and Young Person Development2367 Words   |  10 PagesUnit CYP 3.1: Understand Child and Young Person Development LO1: 1.1 |0 –  6 months |  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Expected pattern of child development | |Physical |At birth babies lie on their backs with the head to one side by 6months a baby can roll from lying on their back to their stomach.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Visa H-2B para trabajar temporalmente en Estados Unidos

Con una visa H-2B se puede trabajar temporalmente en Estados Unidos en una gran variedad de empleos, quedando excluido el sector agrà ­cola. Pero para que las embajadas y consulados emitan los visados es necesario cumplir una serie de requisitos que regulan quià ©n puede obtenerlos y en quà © condiciones. El principal es que el proceso lo inicia la empresa estadounidense que patrocina la visa. Es decir, no se puede ir al consulado sin tener antes la empresa que comenzà ³ los trà ¡mites y ya obtuvo aprobacià ³n de papeleo dentro de los Estados Unidos. En este artà ­culo se explican los puntos fundamentales, como quà © tipo de trabajos se pueden realizar, de quà © paà ­ses hay que ser ciudadano para poder beneficiarse de este tipo de visas, quià ©n debe solicitarla, quià ©n puede acompaà ±ar al beneficiario, etc. Ciudadanos de quà © paà ­ses pueden solicitar una visa H-2B El Federal Register publica cada aà ±o el listado de paà ­ses cuyos ciudadanos pueden beneficiarse de este visado,  varios son de Latinoamà ©rica. Espaà ±a tambià ©n està ¡ incluida.   Si no se tiene pasaporte de uno de esos paà ­ses, no se puede tener este tipo de visa. Para estas personas podrà ­a ser de interà ©s informarse sobre la visa C1/D para trabajar en cruceros. Existen agencias con buena reputacià ³n encargadas de seleccionar trabajadores en distintas capacidades para cruceros. Quà © tipo de trabajadores se contratan con la visa H-2B Todo tipo de trabajo no agrà ­cola que tenga un carà ¡cter de temporada, o corresponda a un pico de trabajo o sea intermitente por su propia naturaleza u ocurra una sola vez. Como ejemplos: En hoteles en zonas de veranoEn tiendasEn restaurantes cmo meseros o cocinerosConstruccià ³nEn cocinasEn parques temà ¡ticosFeriasEn jardinerà ­a (landscape)En estaciones de ski, desde trabajar en recepcià ³n de hotel a limpieza pasando por mantenimiento o monitor de ski, etcEn procesamiento de pescados, siendo por ejemplo muy comà ºn trabajar en factorà ­as de ese tipo en Alaska Là ­mite en el nà ºmero de visas H-2B que se pueden aprobar cada aà ±o Hay un là ­mite al nà ºmero de visas H-2B que se conceden anualmente. Cada aà ±o fiscal, el Congreso de Estados Unidos establece un nà ºmero mà ¡ximo de visas de esta categorà ­a que se pueden conceder. Actualmente està ¡ fijada en 66,000, de las que la mitad se conceden en el primer semestre del aà ±o fiscal y el resto en el segundo semestre. Si el cupo no se ha agotado en los primeros seis meses, esas visas pueden sumarse a las disponibles para repartir entre el 1 de abril y el 30 septiembre. Ademà ¡s, en julio de 2017 el gobierno de los Estados Unidos ha aprobado 15,000 visas adicionales para el el segundo semestre fiscal corriente.   No  està ¡n incluidos en ese conteo los que realizan sus labores en las Marianas o Guam o en el sector especializado de huevas de pescado. Cà ³mo se inicia el proceso para obtener estas visas El patrono o las organizaciones autorizadas son los que inician el proceso. Es decir, NO es posible presentarse en un consulado de los Estados Unidos si no hay antes una compaà ±Ãƒ ­a americana que inicia los trà ¡mites.  Una persona por sà ­ misma no puede solicitar la visa, necesita el patrocinio de la empresa. Si el USCIS da su aprobacià ³n, entonces la persona extranjera podrà ¡ solicitar ante la Embajada o consulado americano que le corresponda una H-2B. Tiene que  pagarse la cuota o arancel correspondiente por su tramitacià ³n. Ademà ¡s, si no se cumplen todos los requisitos, la visa puede ser denegada por causas muy diversas  por ser inelegible para la visa o por ser inadmisible para ingresar en Estados Unidos. Siempre va a ser un requisito que el beneficiario hable mà ­nimamente inglà ©s, pidià ©ndose en ocasiones un mayor nivel, dependiendo del trabajo que se quiere cubrir. Cà ³mo tienen conocimiento de estos trabajos los extranjeros que se encuentran en sus paà ­ses Es comà ºn que este tipo de empleo se ofrezca a travà ©s de agentes, reclutadores o agencias de servicio de empleo. Estos agentes no pueden solicitar ningà ºn tipo de cuota, arancel o pago al trabajador extranjero a cambio de ofrecerles un puesto de trabajo, sin embargo y lamentablemente es una prà ¡ctica muy habitual. Se recomienda utilizar los servicios de una agencia o reclutador con excelente reputacià ³n y este es un listado  Ã‚  de mà ¡s de 60 reclutadores en Mà ©xico.  Ademà ¡s, destacar 2 agencias con buena reputacià ³n que ponen en contacto a personas interesadas en estas visas con empresas patrocinadoras. En primer lugar Alliance Abroad y en segundo lugar Exchange Abroad. Es muy importante insistir en que es necesario tener mucho cuidado en hacer averiguaciones sobre la reputacià ³n del reclutador ya que, lamentablemente, hay mucho abuso y fraude en este tipo de visas. Validez de la visa H-2B En general este tipo de visa se concede por un periodo de 1 aà ±o. Puede extenderse hasta dos veces por un periodo de un aà ±o hasta un total de 3 aà ±os. Se deberà ¡ entonces abandonar Estados Unidos por tres meses antes de volver a aplicar por una nueva visa. Hay que tener en cuenta que la condicià ³n fundamental para que la visa sea và ¡lida es que el empleado està © realmente trabajando. Si el extranjero con una visa H-2B no se presenta a trabajar en los cinco dà ­as siguientes a la fecha de inicio de empleo o si es despedido, o si se ausenta del trabajo cinco dà ­as seguidos sin notificar al empleador la razà ³n de la ausencia entonces el patrono notificarà ¡ dichas faltas al USCIS y las autoridades migratorias entienden que se està ¡ violando las condiciones de la visa y, por lo tanto, ya no es và ¡lida. Lo mismo sucede si el trabajo se acaba al menos 30 dà ­as antes de la fecha programada. Si el trabajo que se ha venido a hacer se ha acabado, se debe abandonar Estados Unidos. Para mà ¡s informacià ³n sobre cuà ¡ndo se puede ya viajar a EU con esta visa y sobre el periodo de gracia para salir, se puede consultar este artà ­culo. Familiares de trabajadores temporales Si la persona que recibe una visa H-2B està ¡ casada puede viajar a Estados Unidos con su esposo o mujer y sus hijos, siempre y cuando à ©stos està ©n solteros y sean menores de 21 aà ±os. Los familiares tendrà ¡n una visa H-4 y no està ¡n autorizados a realizar ningà ºn tipo de trabajo durante su estancia en EUA. NOTA MUY IMPORTANTE Lamentablemente, se dan casos de abusos a trabajadores que tienen una visa H-2B o una H-2A (muy similar, pero para trabajar en agricultura). Ademà ¡s, tener presente que en Estados Unidos tanto los trabajadores legales como los indocumentados tienen derecho a que se les pague el salario mà ­nimo  o mà ¡s.   De interà ©s Entre todas las visas que permiten trabajar temporalmente en Estados Unidos destacan otras dos que pueden ser de interà ©s para las personas sin estudios universitarios o sin habilidades especiales. Son la C1/D para tripulantes que se utiliza para trabajar en cruceros y la H-2A para trabajos agrà ­colas. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es consejo legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Technology Management Competencies And Job Satisfaction

Technology management competencies as predictor of job satisfaction of Pakistani university librarians Despite the growing literature advocating the significance and importance of technology management competencies for librarians, empirical studies focusing on the topic is still very scarce. In particular, the study on technology management competencies involving Pakistani university librarians is unavailable. Drawing upon this gap, this study reports on the findings of an investigation of technology management competencies and job satisfaction among Pakistani university librarians. This study used survey research method involving 225 samples, randomly selected from a population of 540. The result of this study reveal that four†¦show more content†¦Numerous research findings have demonstrated a satisfied worker as an effective job performer (Boyatzis 1982). Therefore, job satisfaction of university librarians is one of the considerable dynamics in augmenting their job performance. Job satisfaction is portrayed as an attitude of persons towards their job (Aydogdu and Askgil 20 11). It denotes the insight of potentials, prospects and aptitude (Testa 2001) and people’s emotional and mental retorts to their work (Hart 2010). On the other hand, like a satisfied worker, a competent employee is a prerequisite for any organizations. Hoffmann (1999) argued that different scholars conceptualized the term competencies in their own individual perspectives, such as psychologists termed competencies as ‘the measurement of capabilities’; HR managers called competencies as ‘individual performance and instrument of strategic management’; while educationists define competencies as ‘work preparation and professional recognition’ (Burogyne 1993). To avoid any conceptual ambiguities, this empirical study describes the term competencies as ‘the knowledge, skills, and attitude of an individual’. These three terms are further elaborated as: 1) knowledge- person range of information, 2) skill - level to utilize knowledge, 3) attitude - job-related thoughts, feelings and motivation (Masrek et al. 2012). In the contemporary period

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Distinctly Visual Essay free essay sample

A distinctively visual text influences our view of the world, and object or a person by the composer presenting us with new ideas and emotions that let us see from another point of view. Henry Lawson is an Australian writer that has the ability to twist his readers into his stories so they understand the true feelings and emotions of the characters. He presents us with the idea the bush is a negative place to live. But all Australians have a connection with it. Distinctly visual texts affect how we see the world and our relationships with others. Henry Lawson acknowledges the hardships of Australian women whose bravery and perseverance is unfairly over looked. Lawson’s admiration of the wife is evident in the portrayal of a strong and independent female protagonist. While the characters traits of the hattered old dog â€Å"alligator† are amusingly represented, it remains the wife who really fascinates the reader. Her appearance and behaviour can be readily pictured and we easily identify with her hopes and fears. He then reflects the harshness with the characterisation of the â€Å"Gaunt sun brown woman† and her â€Å"four ragged, dried up looking children†, This shapes our understanding of the unique Australian traits of toughness and courage towards a hostile environment like the bush. We never learn her name and this anonymity increases the representative role she plays, making the reader more reflective and empathetic about what is revealed, especially when given access t o her thoughts and feelings. By visualising the bush woman’s surroundings the reader can connect with her frame of mind. One is left with an overwhelming sense of loneliness and hardship. Through the use of flashbacks Lawson presents us with the different situations the women has been confront with and the way she has had to overcome them while her husband has been away â€Å"she fought a bush fire.. She fought a flood.. She also fought a made bullock’ and now a snake. The vivid imagery of the environment creates the feeling of isolation and monotony that the drover’s wife experiences in her day to day life. Lawson positions us to accept his visual interpretation of life in the bush defined by continual hardship instead of focusing primarily on the contents of the bush, Lawson focuses on what is lacking. The Lost Thing is a humorous story about a boy who discovers a bizarre looking creature while out collecting bottle tops at a beach. Having guessed that it is lost, he tries to find out who owns it or where it belongs, but the problem is met with indifference by everyone else, who barely notice is presence. Each is unhelpful in their own way, strangers, friends, parents are all unwilling to entertain this uninvited interruption to their day to day life. In spite of his better judgement the boy feels sorry for this hapless creature, and attempts to find out where it belongs. The story soon develops into a fable about all sorts of social concerns, with a ambiguous ending. For a start ‘the lost pet’ is unlike anything we might normally expect. It is a huge tentacled monster, not quite animal or machine, with no particular function or origin. Whimsical, purposeless and estranged from everything around it, it is out of place in a much deeper sense that just being ‘lost’. The environment described by the illustrations also resists any simple reading. A treeless industrial metropolis full of excessive plumbing, mysterious and dehumanising architecture, green skies and cheerless citizens. Nobody pays attention to this ‘lost pet’ despite its disruptive presence, every citizen is too busy in their daily routine to notice. The text is written as a matter-of-fact anecdote, told by the boy and addressed to the reader, presented as a kind of â€Å"what I did over summer† story (hence the use of hand-written text on strips of note paper). Significantly, the creature in question is never physically described, and there is very little said about the environment in which the story unfolds; this is where the illustrations take over. Read by itself the text would sound as though it is about a lost dog in a quite familiar suburb or city, but the pictures reveal a freakish tentacled animal in a surreal a treeless world of green skies, excessive plumbing, concrete and machinery Another short story written by Henry Lawson that displays this connection with the land is â€Å"the loaded dog†. It tells a story of three men that are working on a gold field and leave a explosive lying around. This explosive is then picked up by their dog, who chases them with it lit in its mouth. Unlike â€Å"the drovers wife† Lawson’s ability to balance the harshness of the wish with the larrikin characters. Allows him to make the story entertaining but also life threatening. The visual image of the men following each other being chases by the dog with an explosive in its mouth is an example of this humour Lawson uses throughout the story to conceal the bush during the tory. Lawson uses the almost dried up creek as an example of the ruthlessness the bush has on it occupants. The men usually use the fish as their main source of food but because it has turned into a â€Å"chain of muddy waterholes.. six to seven feet deep† they are fearing they will starve. So they come up with a plan to catch the fish using an explosive. A dog is also present in â€Å"the loaded dogâ₠¬  but it does not have a protector role like the one in â€Å"the drovers wife† rather Lawson mainly convey â€Å"Tommy.. big, black retriever dog.. as their four legged mate† this mate ship is the only thing that is positive in the story, although Lawson uses him as the main cause of all the trouble and excitement. Henry Lawson short stories are both visual texts that have contributed to the Australian myth and have become a voice for the individuals of the 1890’s. His stories still have a meaning of heritage and belonging for today’s society. Shaun tans â€Å"the lost thing† provokes questions